ESP Parent


A memory that makes my heart race

Day 3 Wild Woman Photo Challenge

Sleeping in a teepee with my daughter before taking her to a drum making ceremony ! It was an epic experience of taking my daughter to work with me!

This memory is very dear to my heart, it makes my heart race with delight. This memory will be with me forever.

Since learning about the effects of the Residential School system on my lineage,  and so many other families. I am understanding the call to understand my roots and why there’s such a deep need to reclaim what’s been lost.

This isn’t what I want for my children, or anyone else for the matter.

I love sharing about the cosmic frequencies, it really lights me up.
I am a devoted student and love my teachers very much!

This picture reminds me of details about my daughter’s timing, when she came into my life! The real reason my heart races is due to an activation of her sun sign gives my natal chart.

When she entered this world, her right arm was up in a little fist, her face turned up to the sky with eyes wide open. This is what my midwife shared with me about her birth position.

I would later learn about the astrological magic she brings into my life, for her sun shines on my Uranus! The planet of intellect, brilliance and the rebel within. Which so happens to be in my house of higher beliefs and long term planning.

Go figure that as a young girl, I knew that I was different than most. I sensed  my weirdness and my uniqueness. I was shy and would hide myself.
I submitted to fears of not belonging or fitting in.

Now I know that I am not alone, that many have walked a similar path.
I believe many of us are here now in this lifetime to take a stand for something different!

Have you felt the call to heal inter generational wounds ?

Are you raising your children with compassion and to be whole-beings ?

Let’s connect! Come join my Stress-Free Parenting group, where I have loads of resources for self care and a beautiful growing community of like frequency parents.

See you for day 4!

With Love,

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