A Few Words

About Us

Who We Are

ESP Parent is an online Family Wellness Learning Centre here to create a shift in the realm of Stress-Free Parenting and families living Stress-Free. We stand for engaged sacred play to activate your innate healing abilities so you can live holistically happy. We teach and share self-care tools that are integrative for all ages and stages for self-regulation.

Our Values

Love is how we flow and grow to be our best. As a family of 6, we believe that the only way through anything is teamwork and calm communication, allowing everyone to be heard. We have a collective mission to support more families to live in holistic happiness.

Meet the Team

Rochelle McFarlane

She is the co-founder of ESP Wellness Learning Centre & The Energetic Brew.

She’s an Energetic Medicine Woman, certified International Kinesiology College Instructor, a drum maker, an International best selling author and a sought after wellness speaker. 
For the last 25 years she has formulated a system that helps activate your whole-being wellness through Engaged Sacred Play.

She’s a passionate playful mother of 4 homeschooled children and a wife of 21 years 
When she’s not working with clients or recording episodes for The Energetic Brew Podcast you will find her drumming in the mountains honoring the Cosmos, Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sun & Mother Gaia.

Zane McFarlane

He is an energy medicine practitioner, astrologer and drum maker that is passionate about helping his clients to claim whole-being wellness through increasing their emotional intelligence. He loves working with families so they can flow with the transitional changes from teen to young adult.

In his down time you’ll find him connecting with friends or spending time in nature.


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