Claiming my womanhood and understanding my cycle as I flow with Mother Earth means I have gratitude for all that I am
I used to be in pain each month and felt like it was a curse, to bleed each month
After deeper work and healing my womb space along with other layers of myself, I embrace this flow of my whole womanhood and look forward to her arrival
Never did I think I’d be so open to share about something so private and natural
I’ve merged with knowing more about myself so that I can help other women, other mothers because this is how we heal the world by healing our self first
As Mothers know better, we raise better
A Ho, All My Relations – it’s time we return to the rhythms of Mother Earth as one big family, respecting our natural dance of being a human & give gracious space #morelove #painfreemenstruation #honuringmotherhood #honouringself #motherearthlove #onepeopleoneplanet #newmoonpisces
There was a time I’d never post anything like this
There was a time I hid about what my body did
I used to feel embarrassed by it, Shamed by it and very uncomfortable about it which caused me so much pain
Raising 3 boys & one daughter, I feel like it’s my duty to speak openly about this relationship with my body so they can learn about it, know how to deal with it and appreciate this human experience
Let’s face it, space is needed to be held for us all to heal and work through our emotional journey, our whole being journey so that humanity can evolve further into love & acceptance
I see you
I feel you
I love you