ESP Parent


Medicine Drum Ceremony Experience

Here to help you get the most of your drum making experience so that this is everything and more than you expected.  This process is a ceremony of immersing life back into where death has happened.  It’s a transformation of the hide into a living vibrational healing energy. 

I am so excited to share with you these top 3 tips when creating your Sound Medicine Tool.

These top 3 tips come from my own learning process over 4 years where I have made over 20 drums with my children and doula~ed over 130 drums with others in person and online.

It’s truly a journey and these are the basics to assist the best experience for you.

#1 ~ Know why you are making it, what it’s purpose and what will it be used for? Ceremony ? Healing Sessions ?  Is it a gift to yourself and will it be given away ?  Personal use only or will it be shared in community ?
This level of clarity will be infused during the creation process.  Your energetic clarity will assist the magical potency of the drum itself.  Will it be for healing, within your work, just for play or all of the above

And if you don’t know yet, that’s okay too.  Just take time to make a connection to the call you received to make a drum in the first place. 

#2 Visualize and meditate on what it will look like.  You can draw out pictures
For the front and  back design, this will give you extra space to piece it together. 

Know where you will store it and travel with it.  Understanding that the hide will come alive again once on the frame and it will need protection from the elements.  A consistent environment for quality performance. 
#3  As your hands create the drum it’s a reflection of the thoughts, the season, your reason and what that particular hide’s medicine is about, It’s a connection of the whole being that happens like magic. 

Emotions and thoughts can shift to reveal what’s needed to come to the surfaceAs your hands create the drum it’s a reflection of the thoughts, the season, your reason and what that particular hide’s medicine is about, It’s a connection of the whole being that happens like magic. 
Blessings and Enjoy the Process of making your medicine drum 

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