Meditation has shifted on so many levels since my parenting path started. There are days of solid silence and then others it’s just a few seconds at a time. To get the most out of your meditations, go for quality versus quantity. You can create more stress for yourself by having the priority switched, living in the possibility that just a quiet mind for 5 seconds can have a huge impact compared to a whole 5 minutes.
It’s this shift in attitude that can make all the difference for us, it gives a shot of dopamine to celebrate !
So the next you go to meditate, just breathe and clear the mind. See the perfection in this and remember to
Keep it Short and Simple. The KISS method saves us from the doom and gloom of never being good enough !
Extra bonus tip that will add potency for your next meditation. Light a candle and just watch the flame focusing on an intention and breath into this happening for you with ease. Visualize in your mind what you would like to see happen in your life, in your relationships, let your deepest desires come to the forefront of your thoughts. Pick one and just stare into the flame seeing it all happening for you.